New Trends Report: Orders by Hour
Michael avatar
Written by Michael
Updated over a week ago

If you've been to the trends section in ShopKeeper lately, you may have noticed a brand new report which displays the number of orders by hour.

After receiving feedback from our sellers about the time of day in which they are getting the most product sales, we decided to add this brand new report to the trends dashboard. Here is how i works:

Set the Parameters for Trends

Similar to the other reports on your trends page, you will want to start by identifying the marketplace(s), products, time frame and brands to display on the trends graphs. Once these are set, you can scroll down to the second graph listed which is titled Number of Orders Per Hour.

Viewing the Orders by Hour Graph

Once you reach the graph, you can then hover over a specific time of day (displayed as a 24 hour clock) to view how many orders on average you've sold during that specific time. In the example below, I am hovering over the 11th hour and you can see that I have 81 orders during that hour on average.

Export Orders by Hour to .CSV

For those of you that like to export data into spreadsheets for further analysis, you can easily click the "Download as CSV button" to export this data immediately into an excel spreadsheet.

Do you have other ideas for new reports or graphs that you would like to see inside ShopKeeper? Shoot as a message and let us know what you would like to see next!

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